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Denise Presnell

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Points: 789
Member Rank: #450

Posts By Denise Presnell

Showing Up ~ How to Love and Be Loved In The Darkness of Mental Illness (Helen Joy George)

Please join us today at noon for our WCCI Wednesday Conversation. We will be talking with Helen Joy George, advocate for mental wellness, motivational speaker, writer, and photographer. Helen Joy is the closing speaker for this year's 2022 WCCI Conference and today we will have the distinct pleasure of spending an hour with her. We will hear about her story, the people and events that changed her life, and how she maintains wellness. She is a person of deep strength, insight, and wisdom and...

Today! Watauga’s Wednesday Conversations: Veterans’ invisible injuries; family dynamics. Please register now!

Please join us today at noon for our WCCI Wednesday Conversation. We will be talking about working with veterans ~ invisible injuries and family dynamics. The presentation will introduce three major invisible injuries that veterans face on the battlefield and how invisible injuries have an impact on family members. In addition to discussing Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Moral Injury Condition, the facilitators will also address how pain impacts those injuries and offer...

Today at noon: High Country Community Health - How An Integrated Model of Care Treats the Whole Person

Please join us today at noon for our WCCI Wednesday Conversation. We will be talking with Alysia Hoover-Thompson. She is a licensed psychologist and health service provider and the Director of Behavioral Health Integration at the High Country Community Health Center. She will be talking with us about how she sees trauma in the people she works with, how she helps them build resilience, and how she stays well. Read more here about HCCH: Hope...

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