Profile Information
Bellingham, WA
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
Community Organizing/Convening around ACEs, child abuse and substance abuse prevention. Through WFCN and CRR, we educate, train, and use research to convene community conversations, build community capacity, and build local initiatives to mitigate and reduce ACEs. We are also linked to the state-wide leadership team of the ACEs Public-Private Initiative.
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
Whatcom Family & Community Network, Community Resilience Research, Western Washington University
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
We believe this information has the power to build trans-disciplinary research and practitioner groups that will leverage collective impact to actually reverse the increasing ACEs in our community.