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Helen Morrish

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Points: 194
Member Rank: #1,488

Profile Information


Brompton, ENG


United Kingdom

Postal Code

me4 5lu

What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)

Community Engagment officer

What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?

Medway Plus a charity that works for the betterment of disadvantages communities

What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?

I have a adverse childhoods programme that I wrote and deliver to mainly women in the uk. In the early 90s I managed a preschool in a area of high deprivation,a significant proportion of children were safeguarded. As early as 1995 I recognised the impact that traumatic home lives were having on these children and my quest to find out more begain. In 2009 I opened a family service, because my concern for inter generational trauma was growing and the only way forward seemed to be to support parents. In the same year I was to be personally impacted by Ace when my two daughters disclosed abuse. Sadly I have witnessed first hand the distrution of ACE the impact it has on the mind body and soul. In the last decade hundreds of families would share their experiences of ACE. Through the eyes of being Trauma aware I view human behaviour very differently. Through Education and therapy we have made a small change but are to embark of some very exciting new work.
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