Posts By Jesus Gaeta
Mindfulness and Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice Conference
San Francisco State University
Child Development and Trauma: Considerations for Educators (Webinar)
Free Webinar! February 24, 2015 - CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND TRAUMA: CONSIDERATIONS FOR EDUCATORS;utm_medium=email Recent research on child and adolescent brain development has strong implications for educators and health professionals, especially those working with youth who have experienced trauma. Get an overview of child and adolescent brain development from the context of behavior and emotions; learn about the impact of complex trauma on student behavior and learning; and discuss strategies for helping teachers/educators to...
US could reduce child poverty by 60 percent
Hey everyone, here is a report that I just received from a listserv in my MPH program. Very strong claims and an interesting goal proposed by the Children's Defense Fund: Given the impact of poverty and social inequality on health and health...