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Jim Parry

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Member Rank: #782

Posts By Jim Parry

Don't Let ACEs Define Students

As teachers we must understand that our students are a product of all of their experiences, good and bad. We must not let their ACEs define them. It's our responsibility to help them find their own strength, meaning, and purpose despite these obstacles so they can grow up to be happy, healthy, and productive adults. This is how the cycle gets broken and we are an important part of this process. They're all great kids; some just don't know it yet. - Jim Parry, REACH Stewartville...

Some Thoughts About The Harsh Reality of ACEs

So here is the harsh reality of ACEs. The child who enters kindergarten with an ACEs score of 3 or 4 will likely have that score double or more by the time they graduate from high school. For far too many students, adverse childhood experiences ARE life experiences. These life experiences affect everything from mental and physical health to relationships and academics. Our students can't simply be "fixed" with a temporary response. Trauma-informed/responsive education isn't a fad. This isn't...

Growing Up in Today's World is NOT Easy: One Student's Story

Growing up in today's world is NOT easy. I have heard hundreds of students tell me this. Despite this fact, many of them have also told me that many of the adults in their lives don't seem to understand this, including parents, teachers, and society. Adults who are disconnected from the reality of the lives of the youth that they are around will not be able to completely understand how to provide the support that might be needed for those youth needing it most. I recently met a young woman...

Finding My Own Meaning Through REACH Stewartville

My own history of ACEs is too long for this blog post, but I have a score of 8/10. What is important though is that this score has brought me strength, purpose, and direction as my position of REACH Program Coordinator at Stewartville Middle and High School in Stewartville, MN. I grew up in Stewartville and am now raising my family here. REACH stands for Relationships, Education, Accountability, Character, and Hard work. REACH is an elective class offered to students in grades 7-12. Students...

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