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Laura Gallant

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Posts By Laura Gallant

Environmental justice protects more than just the planet []

By Laura Gallant, 4/22/24, Environmental justice is a key movement to increasing access to positive childhood experiences through the Environment Building Block of HOPE. This movement was created by people of color to address inequities of environmental protection in their communities. Environmental justice advocates on a policy level to ensure full protection from unequal adverse effects from environmental impacts, such as climate change, and health...

Training opportunities to increase your practice of the HOPE framework []

By The HOPE Team, The HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) offers training options at all levels, from introductory workshops and courses to advanced certifications, that will help you expand your practice of HOPE and promote positive childhood experiences (PCEs) in your community and organization. We continually develop and update our training opportunities using feedback from our HOPE community members and partners. It is important for our trainings to...

New resource for caregivers who have been incarcerated []

By Laura Gallant, 4/8/24, This new Four Building Blocks of HOPE resource was developed in partnership with and tailored specifically for caregivers who have experienced or are still experiencing incarceration. In recognition of the unique challenges faced by this community, this fact sheet offers practical strategies on how to access the Four Building Blocks of HOPE for families impacted by incarceration. From fostering relationships to creating nurturing...

Recapping the 2024 Week of HOPE []

By Laura Gallant 4/1/24, This year, the HOPE National Resource Center hosted its Annual Week of HOPE from March 18-22, 2024. During the Week of HOPE, we hosted events and shared new resources that honor and promote the widespread use of positive childhood experiences including: Anti-racism training and a new model The first-ever HOPE Awards ceremony, presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Sneak preview of HOPE’s upcoming children’s book,...

Supporting organizational transformation through the HOPE framework | Recapping the 2024 HOPE Summit []

By Daniel Choi, 3/27/24, Last week, the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) wrapped up its Fourth Annual HOPE Summit – the HOPE Transformation. We had over 400 attendees from around the United States and the world including Australia, Chile, and the Netherlands. We deeply appreciate everyone’s support and shared passion for creating a healthier and happier world for all children and families through the HOPE framework and positive childhood experiences...

2024 HOPE Summit and the Week of HOPE starts next week! []

By Laura Gallant, 3/14/24, We are less than a week away from the Fourth Annual HOPE Summit – The HOPE Transformation and the Week of HOPE ! Register now to participate in these exciting events centered around the HOPE framework and positive childhood experiences! Interactive events throughout the Summit This year’s HOPE Summit features over 20 different workshops that participants can choose from across three sessions. We are excited to partner with...

How the HOPE framework differs from strength-based and trauma-informed care approaches []

By Laura Gallant, 3/11/24, The HOPE framework, centered around positive childhood experiences (PCEs), helps professionals and organizations achieve their mission of improving the health and well-being of children, families, and communities. It is an impactful framework that can be used on its own and alongside other models such as strength-based and trauma-informed care approaches. While many models and frameworks also celebrate strengths and promote...

Support safe environments for children and youth through policy []

By Laura Gallant, 3/4/24, Safe, stable, and nurturing environments are fundamental sources of positive childhood experiences (PCEs) to all children. When children and youth feel safe, physically, and emotionally, they can grow into healthy adults. Barriers to PCEs, and the practice of lifting these barriers, are often viewed on the individual level. But barriers to PCEs are also created on the systemic level. Policy changes, even though they can feel...

The need to support children through parent- and caregiver-focused policies []

By Leonard Burton, 2/26/24, The HOPE National Resource Center proudly partners with the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) to advance health and well-being for children, families, and communities. We welcome Leonard Burton , President of CSSP, as our keynote speaker at the Fourth Annual HOPE Summit – The HOPE Transformation . He will present The Promises of HOPE: Building a World that Centers the Positive on Wednesday, March 20 from 11:00 AM –...

Using the HOPE framework to create concrete organizational improvements | Interview with Aimee Zeitz-Gruber, MFT []

By Laura Gallant, 2/19/24, The HOPE National Resource Center welcomes Aimee Zeitz-Gruber, MFT as our keynote speaker at the Fourth Annual HOPE Summit – The HOPE Transformation . She will present HOPE in Action on Thursday, March 21 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET. Aimee Zeitz-Gruber is the Executive Director of Community Well-Being and Project Director of Partners in Prevention at the YMCA of San Diego County , where she has worked with the HOPE National...

2024 Week of HOPE Schedule []

By Laura Gallant, 2/12/24, The HOPE National Resource Center will be hosting our Annual Week of HOPE from March 18-22, taking place during the same week as our Fourth Annual HOPE Summit – The HOPE Transformation . During the Week of HOPE, we host events and share new resources that honor and promote the widespread use of positive childhood experiences. These events include sharing of new tools and trainings for anti-racism, honoring those who practice the...

Why positive childhood experiences are important for all children and families []

By Laura Gallant, 1/29/24, What are positive childhood experiences? Positive childhood experiences, also known as PCEs, are protective experiences that help heal the brain from trauma and promote healthy mental health in adulthood. In 2019, HOPE Director Robert Sege , Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH , and others published a study in JAMA Pediatrics where they found that PCEs can promote well-being even when exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences...

New research on parental stress during COVID-19 []

By The HOPE Team, 1/22/24, Understanding parental stress during COVID-19 helps guide disaster preparation planning The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was a very stressful time for many of us. We were worried about getting sick, as well as spreading the disease to others, and were coping with the reality of living in lockdown. Parents in particular felt the weight of schools closing and childcare options becoming unavailable. Recently the HOPE team and...

2024 HOPE Summit | Full schedule and workshop descriptions []

By Laura Gallant, 1/15/24, Learn about the activities offered at this year’s HOPE Summit The HOPE National Resource Center is excited to offer an interactive and engaging experience through the Fourth Annual HOPE Summit – The HOPE Transformation , a two-day virtual event on March 20 and 21. We are excited to share with you the workshops, keynote addresses, and networking opportunities offered throughout the event. The Summit will be focusing on the Six...

Help us spread positive childhood experiences in the New Year []

By Laura Gallant, 1/8/23, The HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) is excited to ring in the New Year! In 2024, we have many upcoming events, trainings, and new opportunities. Over the last year the HOPE NRC has worked hard to create new programs and update existing ones. Our programs and events do not teach a rigid program, they are designed to be applied to many sectors, communities, organizations, practitioners, and families. The HOPE framework is meant...

Spreading HOPE through partnerships and collaborations – Year in review []

By Laura Gallant, 12/8/23, Throughout 2023 the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) has been working hard to spread the HOPE framework and have positive childhood experiences (PCEs) as widely discussed and applied in child- and family-serving sectors as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). It has been a year full of strong partnerships, and a growing community. The work done at the HOPE NRC cannot be successful without the dedicated organizations,...

2023 HOPE resource round-up []

By Laura Gallant, 12/21/23, At the HOPE National Resource Center, we create resources all year round. Many of our resources are created in collaboration with HOPE Facilitators, HOPE Champions , and others who are implementing the HOPE framework in their organization or community. Below are many of the new resources we created in 2023. Each resource is a guide, not an instruction manual, that shares ways of practicing or implementing the HOPE framework...

Explore how to transform your organization with HOPE | 2024 HOPE Summit []

By Laura Gallant, 12/14/23, Whether you are a new or returning Summit attendee, The HOPE National Resource Center welcomes you to register for the Fourth Annual HOPE Summit taking place virtually on March 20 and 21, 2024. This year’s Summit is themed, “The HOPE Transformation,” where the HOPE community will dive into the Six Standards of HOPE . These Standards were created to help organizations align their practices with the HOPE framework. Deep dive into...

Seasonal opportunities to practice positive childhood experiences during the holidays – New resource []

By Laura Gallant, 12.7.23, Last year we posted a blog about 10 ways to practice positive childhood experiences (PCEs) during the holiday season . By popular demand, we created a new resource based on the blog that can be downloaded and easily shared. These holiday tips were adapted from our original 10 ways to promote positive experiences fact sheet. Through this seasonal resource, we want to share that no matter what or how you celebrate, there are big...

HOPE, relationships, and collaborative goal-setting | Interview with Tamara Vesel, MD []

By Laura Gallant, 11/30/29, HOPE-informed care begins with identifying, honoring, and promoting child and family sources of strength and stamina. That knowledge creates the basis for working together to set and achieve the goals of care. Parents and families, of course, know about their child, their own values and beliefs, and their support systems. Providers bring a separate set of knowledge – which is why children and families seek care. In medicine,...

A Moment of Gratitude with HOPE Director Dr. Robert Sege []

By Dr. Bob Sege, 11/21/23, Thanksgiving means family to me. We gather together and use the day to express our gratitude to the world and to each other. As my family grows, the holiday brings a flood of memories – and new sources of joy. As I write this, my wife and I are headed to meet just met our new grandson. We are so grateful for this new little family. And we definitely enjoy the newborn baby snuggles! I want to take this time to focus on all of our...

Celebrating Diwali with HOPE []

By Laura Gallant, 11/16/23, Starting off the holiday season, many people celebrated Diwali in India and around the world this past week. Diwali celebrations support access to positive childhood experiences (PCEs) and the Four Building Blocks of HOPE . Diwali, the festival of lights, is a highly celebrated holiday in India that is observed over five days. Throughout the third day, people come together to pray, light fireworks, and share in a big feast.

Implementing the HOPE Framework in an Existing Model | Interview with Lynn Kemp, PhD []

By Laura Gallant, 11/13/23, Earlier this fall, we had the pleasure of meeting with Lynn Kemp, PhD , as she stopped at the HOPE National Resource Center at Tufts Medical School. She began her career as a maternal-child nurse, and is now the Distinguished Professor in Nursing at Western Sydney University (WSU), and has successfully developed the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH) program at the Transforming early Education And Child...

With and Without HOPE Simulation Videos – Resource highlight []

By Laura Gallant, 11/2/23, The HOPE framework can make a difference in many settings that interact with children, youth, and families. From screenings to quick meetings, these interactions can make a large impact on whether someone continues to seek help and if they feel they can trust the organization or service provider. The HOPE framework helps children, youth, and families feel seen, heard, and empowered to be a leader in their own care. To...

Promoting the relationship building block in schools []

By Laura Gallant, 10/26/23, The HOPE National Resource Center is excited to share a great example of promoting the relationship building block of HOPE from North Clackamas School District (NCSD) based in Milwaukie, Oregon. Under the guidance of superintendent, Dr. Shay James , NCSD recently released a new strategic plan with guiding core values . Each school in the district has been tasked with living these values of equity, relationships, integrity,...

Bring HOPE to your community and organization []

By Laura Gallant, 10/19/23, Become a HOPE Facilitator and Champion As the HOPE framework grows in its wide usage across the country and the world, the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) saw a need for more facilitators and people who could provide technical assistance around the HOPE framework. In response to this need, the HOPE team created the HOPE Facilitator and HOPE Champion Certification programs. These programs are designed for people who want to...

Bullying prevention promotes positive childhood experiences []

By Laura Gallant, 10/13/23, October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal of this month is to prevent bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Bullying affects both the person who is experiencing the bullying and those who are engaging in bullying behavior . It can block access to the Four Building Blocks of HOPE . The Special Olympics shares that 20% of children from 12-18 experience bullying, and children with disabilities are...

HOPE launches new certification program []

By Laura Gallant, 10/5/23, The HOPE National Resource Center has launched the HOPE-Informed Organizational Certification program. By becoming certified as a HOPE-Informed organization, you will be publicly recognized as an organization that is actively committed to practicing the HOPE framework and promoting equitable access to positive childhood experiences (PCEs) for the children, families, and communities you serve. The program provides the structure,...

HOPE-Informed Decision Making – Resource Review []

By The HOPE Team, 9/21/23, The HOPE National Resource Center offers a resource to help organizations as they consider policy changes, the creation of new tools, or other organizational changes. The HOPE decision making checklist helps organizations as they implement HOPE-informed care. Policies effect people, both organizational staff and the individual child and family participants. A checklist can help guide these decisions as organizations incorporate...

Federally funded child care promotes positive childhood experiences []

By Laura Gallant, 9/14/23, Having access to child care is fundamental to practicing positive childhood experiences (PCEs) and creating access to all Four Building Blocks of HOPE. Affordable child care creates less financial stress leading to less stress in the home. Children have a safe environment to play and learn in during the week, creating routine and stability. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) included funding for...

New resource – HOPE-informed screenings and assessments []

By Laura Gallant, 9/7/2023, The HOPE National Resource Center has released a new resource, HOPE-informed Screenings and Assessments . This resource provides guidelines to make screenings and assessments more HOPE-informed. By nature, most screenings and assessments are looking for things that are not going well: substance use, intimate partner violence, developmental delays. While this information is often necessary to support the family, it can leave...

Less restrictive child labor laws impact access to positive childhood experiences []

By Wendy Ruan, 8/31/23, Child labor laws promote resilience and access to positive childhood experiences (PCEs) by maintaining safe access to valuable work experiences for youth. Safe work environments support the opportunity for youth to build relationships with adults outside of the home and peers in the workplace. These laws also protect children from joining the workforce too early in life, from working in hazardous environments, and from interfering...

The right to vote promotes engagement and PCEs for all []

By Allison Stephens, 8/24/23, Healthy People is a set of public health goals for the country to reach every 10 years. The current version, Healthy People 2030 , recognizes the importance of the HOPE Building Block of engagement by setting a goal to increase the number of people who vote . Voting directly affects community resilience and creates a sense of belonging and mattering. This is also why the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and...

Youth engagement creates major policy change []

By Laura Gallant, 8/17/2023, When youth engage in advocacy efforts, they learn that their voice matters, and that they can make a difference. This is one way for children and youth to experience the engagement Building Block of HOPE. A great example of this was demonstrated with a group of 16 children and youths, ranging from 5 to 22, who sued the Montana state government for violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment. This...

Free meal programs promote positive childhood experiences []

By Wendy Ruan, 8/10/2023, This summer, nearly 500,000 school children and their families have access to free meals because the federal government approved an extension of the Pandemic-Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) benefits in Massachusetts. The extension can help parents provide food security for their families, reduce financial stress, and promote overall well-being. Balanced nutrition is key to child development, and P-EBT promotes positive...

New research supports the importance of positive childhood experiences []

By Dr. Bob Sege, 8/3/23, Growing evidence supports the key role of positive childhood experiences (PCEs) in adult health, including lessening the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The current issue of the Pediatrics, the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, features an article called Positive Childhood Experiences and Adult Health Outcomes [1] . The authors analyze data from the 2017 Panel Study of Income Dynamics,...

Bring HOPE to the Classroom []

By Laura Gallant, 7/27/23, For many educators, the end of July is a time to start brainstorming about the set up of your classroom. When thinking about how to decorate your classroom and how to get to know your students, consider doing this in a HOPEful way. Below are 10 tips to add HOPE and the Four Building Blocks to your classroom before students even arrive. The environment building block is a large focus for these tips, but educators can practice...

HOPE Online Learning Hub Library Expands []

By Laura Gallant, 7/20/23, Over the last year, the HOPE National Resource Center has added several online courses to our HOPE Virtual Learning Hub . These courses include the basics of HOPE and practicing HOPE. The modules are self-paced with a certificate of completion at the end. Several courses offer continuing education credits and continuing medical education credits. Learners will engage with interactive modules featuring videos, quizzes, and...

The Six Standards to Practice HOPE []

By The HOPE Team, 7/13/23, Over the past year, the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) has been working on a set of standards to help organizations align their practices with the HOPE framework. These standards have been identified as crucial pieces of practicing the HOPE framework. As you work through each standard you will develop a strong foundation for your organization, with each standard building on the next. HOPE Director of Training and Technical...

2023 HOPE Summit Recording Available for Free []

By Laura Gallant, 7/6/23, The 2023 Annual HOPE Summit – Practicing HOPE took place on March 29-30. We are now opening the recordings of all the plenary sessions and workshop to the public, access all recordings through this link . Throughout the conference, there were 17 workshops, a Keynote address, and an interactive panel. This year’s summit focused on the many ways to practice the HOPE framework and to implement HOPE-informed changes. Access to these...

First HOPE-inspired Organizations []

By Laura Gallant, 6/29/23, This Friday, June 30 th , the 2023 HOPE Innovation Network (HIN) cohort will complete the program and become the first-ever HOPE-certified organizations. Over the last six months, these organizations learned about our six standards of HOPEful practice and conducted in-depth organizational assessments. Now, organizations will work on the goals they created as the result of this experience, working closely with the HOPE team. This...

Celebrate Juneteenth with HOPE []

By Laura Gallant, 6/15/23, Juneteenth celebrates a hope-filled moment in U.S. history, and recognizing Juneteenth as a federal holiday increases opportunities for all children and families to access positive childhood experiences (PCEs) and the Four Building Blocks of HOPE . Juneteenth is also a reminder of the importance of imbedding anti-racism into our work and social lives. Racism blocks access to PCEs and is a source of trauma. When we...

Celebrate Pride with HOPE []

By Laura Gallant, 6/8/23, June is Pride month, and at the HOPE National Resource Center we are reflecting on the ways that the Four Building Blocks of HOPE helps promote safe, and stable environments for LGBTQ+ families and youth. Providing safe relationships, environments, and opportunities for engagement where children and youth can be themselves is key to the HOPE framework. The HOPE National Resource Center has several resources to help break...

New Resource – Promoting PCEs for Children and Youth who are Transgender or Non-binary []

By Laura Gallant, 5/25/23, Positive childhood experiences (PCEs) should be available and accessible to all children. The health and well-being of children and youth who are transgender (trans) or nonbinary has been a topic of much political debate over the past year, as some states are making gender-affirming healthcare illegal, and school boards are banning books with LGBTQ+ content. These actions build barriers to PCEs for trans and non-binary...

Promote Positive Experiences through Community Service Learning []

By Laura Gallant, 5/18/23, May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage month, a time to celebrate, honor and recognize the many cultures, histories, and contributions of the AAPI community. AAPI cultural recognitions and expressions have the power to connect children and families to positive childhood experiences. AAPI Heritage month reminds us all that HOPE is not one-size-fits-all framework in part because children and families...

The Growing Evidence behind PCEs []

By Laura Gallant, 5/11/23, May is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month, and the HOPE framework is one of many ways to amplify the importance of lifelong mental health. The HOPE National Resource Center continues to share the HOPE framework around the country and globe to promote positive childhood experiences, which lead to improved mental health for all children. The HOPE framework works to identify family strengths and sources of positive...

Learning from HOPE around the Globe []

By Laura Gallant, 5/4/23, On March 28 th , the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) held a panel discussion “HOPE around the Globe.” This event was part of our 2023 Week of HOPE , which focused on the theme of practicing HOPE. The panel consisted of Lynn Kemp, PhD; Teniola Okun, MPH; Saija Westerlund-Cook, and Rebekah Grace, PhD. During the panel, they each shared their experiences implementing HOPE in non-US settings – Australia, Canada, Finland,...

10 Ways to Prevent Child Abuse with HOPE []

Dr. Bob Sege, 4/27/2023, April is child abuse prevention month. Most families will do almost anything to provide a safe and nurturing world for their children. Sometimes, however, circumstances get in the way and due to family stress or individual problems for the parents or caregivers, children end up experiencing abuse or neglect. This begins a tragedy both for the children, and or the entire family. From our years of working in the field, we...

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