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Maria Catalina Jaramillo

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Points: 7
Member Rank: #18,852

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Miami, FL


United States

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What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)

I am Certified HOPE Facilitator, a Mental Health Counselor, and Community Behavioral Health Advocate. I am fully fluent in English and Spanish. As a counselor I have worked with diverse populations, such as families with children struggling with behavioral and developmental issues, to adults with substance abuse problems, and incarcerated individuals. I help empower and educate individuals, families, and communitie about the Four Building Blocks of HOPE (Relationships, Environment, Emotional Growth and Social and Civic Engagement. ). T In my workshops you and your team will learn about the Positive Childhood Experiences (PCES) hrough the Four 1. Relationships 2. Environment 3.Social and civic engagement 4.Emotional growth I help empower and educate individuals, families, and communities through the Four Building Blocks of HOPE. T HOPE framework is structured around a list of specific types of positive childhood experiences that support lifelong mental health, called the Four Building Blocks of HOPE: 1. Relationships 2. Environment 3.Social and civic engagement 4.Emotional growth

What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?

HES, Miami-Dade County, HOPE, Catalyst Miami, & Stitches

What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?

As a Multicultural and Bilingual Mental Health provider, my workshops are HOPE informed, Person-Centered, Culturally Sensitive, Trauma Informed, and Evidenced Based. based on the evidence based HOPE informed app approach is Person-Centered, Evidenced-Based, and Trauma Informed. In this psycho-educational workshop, you and your team will learn about the background information on the health effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), plus and the research showing how key positive childhood experiences (PCEs) prevent and mitigate the effects of ACEs and toxic stress resulting in improved health outcomes. HOPE offers a paradigm shift in the way practitioners approach their work with families and children, from one that emphasizes deficits and problems, to one that actively seeks out strengths and assets. Through the HOPE informed approach, hereby, guiding clients in skill building exercises that allow them to incorporate the HOPE framework. Through my psycho-educational workshop, clients will be able to recognize when stress may show up, and how regulate these toxic stress through everyday simple things they can do every day, at home or work, to help regulate their nervous system.

If you're part of a community-based PACEs initiative, which one?

HOPE from Tuft University
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