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Michael Harrell

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Posts By Michael Harrell

What Do You Do with this Free but Stressful Time? ACEs IMMUNITY

Adverse Childhood Experiences is a bit shrouded in the meaning. Please let me simplify it into actionable terms. What was done to you from the outside stick to you on the inside. Then what was done to you we continue to do to ourselves. When we were fed with a spoon soon we learned to feed ourselves with a spoon. When we were stressed shamed or blamed from the outside in, we then shame and blame ourselves on the inside as our habit. This is done consciously or subconsciously. The words...

The Power of Sharing on Facebook and Social Media.

I shared this post on my Facebook profile and the next day I got a notice of the people who shared my post. I was astounded as it was over 1000 shares in 24 hours. I do not know the final count as Facebook could not keep up with the sharing. What was heart touching is the number of people who want to see this in their schools and want real changes for their children. Watch this video. It is big fun. School Sends Kids To Meditation Instead of Detention, With Amazing Results...

How did 274,000 Babies End up on Psychiatric Meds? []

In the U.S., an estimated 17.3 million American adults (7.1% of the adult population), experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2017. 1 The highest rates are reported among those aged between 18 and 25. 2 However, not only is there evidence that depression is vastly overdiagnosed, but there's also evidence showing it's routinely mistreated. With regard to overdiagnosis, one 2013 study 3 found only 38.4% of participants with clinician-identified depression actually met the DSM-4...

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