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Oscar Watsonn

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Posts By Oscar Watsonn

10 Rules for Parents to Help Kids to Do Their Homework Stress-Free

If doing homework with a child usually ends with quarrels and a bad mood, and if you subsequently have difficulties and inconveniences because of this, you should read this article and be ready to take action to make sure that you will avoid the same situation in the future. It is quite easy to start with the steps below first and observe how it evolves: 1. Find out the Reason If the child does not like doing homework in any way, he comes up with various excuses not to start studying, be...

How to Help a Kid Stop Lying and Tell the Truth: 9 Steps

Being a parent comes with sacrifices, but also with challenges. As children grow up, they begin to understand the world. And so, lying can appear as a regular behavior. I have two children, aged 10 and 14. I can say that lying was a big problem in our family during their childhood. For example, they lied they brushed their teeth. And of course, you can easily say if they brushed their teeth or not. Honesty is an important quality that helps build stronger relationships and bonds between...

Conflict at School: Recognize, Extinguish and Avoid

Tension in a child's or parent's school team is painful and unpleasant. Therefore, you should read this article if you or your child were unable to come to a consensus with someone from the school. How conflict differs from bullying Bullying is a deep and systematic problem, and it manifests itself in the form of aggression by some children against others. In bullying, there is always an inequality of power. However, bullying does not always translate into physical attacks - violence can...

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