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Sofiya Asedrem

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Posts By Sofiya Asedrem

PJI Director Commentary Featured in Orlando Sentinel - Empathy is key to managing conflict after Election Day

By JAY REDDICK | | Orlando Sentinel PUBLISHED: October 19, 2024 at 5:30 a.m. How do we manage what is coming the day after voting, with the anticipated conflicted feelings? This is my response. Years ago in couples therapy I learned that when I reacted to another’s poor behavior with my own angry, vengeful response, I received the “counseling.” This felt unfair. “Hey wait! Why am I getting feedback when they behaved badly?” I learned that I needed to manage my...

Central Florida Community to Convene 5th Annual Resilience Conference on May 11-12th

The Peace and Justice Institute and the Resilience Network will present its 5th Annual Resilience Conference on Thursday May 11th and Friday May 12th in Winter Park, Florida. This year's conference will focus on the strides that the Central Florida criminal justice, public safety, mental health, and educational sectors are making to move from punishing individuals towards true discipline. Participants will hear from national experts and local change makers on their efforts to create systems...

As We Transition to the Recovery Phase of Hurricane Ian “Look out for the Helpers”

The last 24 hours have reminded us of our individual vulnerability, as well as the vulnerability of our community and our state. Hurricane Ian is an example of a traumatic event in the third realm of ACEs that can bring about increased stress and strong emotional reactions. We acknowledge that this can be an incredibly challenging time for many and we encourage people to stay connected, reach out for help when needed, and support each other as you are able. This is how we can build...

A Reflection from the 2022 PJI Teachers Academy

A cohort of over 20 educators took part in this summers' Peace and Justice Institute Teachers Academy (PJITA). The weeklong program included a training (developed by the CRC Network) titled Why Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) Matter. Below is a reflection from one of the program participants. Author: Daniel J. Smith, MA Photo Credits: Willie J. Allen Jr. From June 27, 2022, through July 1, 2022, I participated in the Peace and Justice Institute’s Teacher’s Academy at...

Radical Compassion: Reflections from the 2022 PJI Summer Retreat

The Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College is dedicated to furthering community healing and resilience - a goal that continues to be realized through its convening of the Creating a Resilient Community (CRC) Network . This movement has grown to include over 400 local community members. After the group's most recent annual conference in April, PJI has intentionally continued furthering this work both in the community and at its home institution, Valencia College. PJI believes that...

New Report Highlights Role of Masculinity on Wellbeing of Men and All Genders

To view the full report, click here. Authors: Henny Slegh, Warren Spielberg, and Cody Ragonese In 2021, Promundo released a report titled Masculinities and Male Trauma: Making the Connections. Here is an excerpt summary of the report: Apart from what it means in their own lives, men’s exposure to violence, trauma and adversity are key risk factors for men’s self-inflicted harm and their use of violence against others. Promundo-US’s new report, Making the Connections: Masculinities and Male...

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