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Suzanne Reinhardt

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Posts By Suzanne Reinhardt

Must I Be Grateful? Toxic Positivity and Gratitude Shaming

November is the month of Thanksgiving; a month to look at one’s life and be grateful for what we have. Over turkey and the fixings, we are supposed to sit around a table Norman Rockwell style and get along famously because we have each other. Reality differs greatly from fantasy in that lots of people do not feel gratitude for their family of origin or the circumstances in which they find themselves. Instead, they find themselves feeling guilty because in November because they do not get the...

Catastrophic Thinking

Have you ever believed the worst about a situation that may or may not have happened? For instance, you call home from work, and your partner doesn’t answer. Immediately, you believe that there has been a horrible accident, and you just don’t know about it yet. That is called catastrophic thinking. This article will focus on this phenomenon and how to overcome this rumination of doom. What is Catastrophic Thinking? Catastrophic thinking is an anxious behavior that may be part of the symptoms...

Healing from Living with Alcoholic Parents

In the first three articles , we have discussed that growing up in an alcoholic or other dysfunctional home changes the lives of the children involved forever. Alcoholism is a family disease that affects everyone and harms children. In this article, we shall explore paths to healing and hope. The Connection Between Alcoholism and Childhood Trauma Drinking alcohol alone does not harm children. However, when drinking alcohol becomes an addiction, the behaviors, and circumstances of the adult...

A Better Understanding of Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder, which includes alcoholism, is a pattern of behavior where the person cannot control their drinking and is preoccupied with drinking even when it causes them problems. For many alcoholics, what starts as having a few drinks for reasons that are not fully understood balloons into an out-of-control compellation to drink more and more to get the same effect. This article will focus on alcoholism , its causes, including genetic links that cause a person to be more...

Healing in Safe Community

CPTSD Foundation is proud and honored to help support survivors all types of trauma, by offering secret, safe, support groups on Facebook, where you can come and receive the support you deserve. A place where your voice is heard, your feelings validated, and where encouragement is always in abundant supply from others who know what it means to struggle in daily life as a survivor.

To Find Happiness

I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude - #CPTSD #Healing #Gratitude #ComplexTraumaRecovery #MentalHealth #BecauseWeAreWorthIt


This nonprofit focuses on a mediation intervention based on healing attachment issues. I found the resources plentiful, and I highly recommend their podcast. Mettagroup

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