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Hi Yvonne,

I took a look at the AMA's website and didn't see anything about ACEs. I don't know if what I have indirectly helps in that I've written a detailed blog post referencing 8 categories of adversity that increase risk for type 2 diabetes, including ACEs and discrimination.

As part of this I've created a detailed 2 page fact sheet summarizing this with 2 pages of references (which can be downloaded for free from the link above). I envision this fact sheet as the kind of resource that can be incorporated into prevention as well as treatment.

I also have written about ACEs and other categories of adversity that increase risk for type 1 diabetes.

Veronique Mead, MD, MA

Sharing the Science at Chronic Illness Trauma Studies

My interest area is the relationship between trauma and food insecurity because research is demonstrating that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as abuse and neglect correlate with chronic food security as a child (Chilton, et al., 2014). Additionally, exposure to food insecurity as a child is a stressor in itself that can affect future generations (Chilton, et al., 2017).

I haven't previously thought about those relationships with Diabetes also, which is also a common nutrition-focused topic within food security research and frequently discussed within food banking / food pantry circles. I'd love to continue exploring this more as I'm currently researching trauma-informed college food pantries where the prevalence of food insecurity is 4-5 times higher than the general population.

Chilton, M., Knowles, M., Rabinowich, J., & Arnold, K. T. (2014). The relationship between childhood adversity and food insecurity: ‘It’s like a bird nesting in your head’. Public Health Nutrition, 18(14), 2643-2653.

Chilton, M., Knowles, M., & Bloom, S. L. (2017). The intergenerational circumstances of household food insecurity and adversity. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 12(2), 269-297.

Thanks so much for sharing this Angela. I hadn't know about the food insecurity link and ACEs although it makes perfect sense.

There is also a large body of research finding that prenatal stress, including lack of food / starvation is a risk factor for symptoms of metabolic syndrome / insulin resistance later in a baby's life, including type 2 diabetes. These effects continue for at least another generation (grandchildren) in humans and animals.

This sounds like the research on effects of adversity in prenatal and perinatal periods is consistent with finds in childhood.

Calkins K, Devaskar SU. Fetal origins of adult disease. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2011;41(6):158-76. doi: 10.1016/j.cppeds.2011.01.001

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