I'm doing some research to compare the rate of ACEs for Christians vs. non-Christians (particularly for children in the church). Is anyone aware of any data that might exist?
I'm doing some research to compare the rate of ACEs for Christians vs. non-Christians (particularly for children in the church). Is anyone aware of any data that might exist?
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Hi, Damon:
Please consider posting your Ask the Community on our ACEs in the Faith-Based Community.
You'll align with numerous faith-based organizations and early adopters on the front line of transforming their organizations through a trauma-informed lens and may have valuable insight on your research you're interested in compiling.
Hi Damon, Thank you for posting this question. Have you found your way to the ACEs Connection group called "ACEs in the Faith-Based Community"? This would be a great place to ask this question.
Click here to find the ACEs Community: ACEs in the Faith Based Community
I think this blog (also found on this community) may be of interest too: Knowledge is "Secular Gospel" for Montana Pastor
I hope this is helpful!
Harshly religious upbringing can have plenty of ACEs. I have friend who grew up in a Christian cult. Be aware some ACEs may be part of the teachings of that particular church...
I would just offer for your consideration that using the terms Christian and non-Christian feels uncomfortable for me as a Jew. I realize the way you are using these terms is intended to be neutral, but those of us who are religious minorities in this country experience a lot of being defined by others as what we are not rather than by what we are. There is powerful work on what religious minorities experience in the U.S. by Paul Kivel, who documents and explains what he calls Christian Hegemony. I offer this because of the trauma religious minorities experience, and how little that is acknowledged or understood. Here's a link to Paul's website: http://christianhegemony.org/
Thank you, Karen, for sharing such an important lens. Valuing all faiths and belief-systems, we honor everyone's individual faith-journey.
Trauma religious minorities experience, harsh religious upbringings, cults, and religious schools, etc. are imperative voices in sharing narratives of shame, blame, denial, hope, healing, and resilience.
And thank you to each of you and our members for helping our community be safe, inclusive, and trusting.
Our connection, engagement, and shared learning experiences are valuable as we grow, ignite healing change, and transform systems.
Thank you for the feedback. This was a blindspot and I apologize for making anyone feel uncomfortable. I will definitely pay more attention in the future.
I appreciate that so much. To be honest I hesitated to post my comment because I've experienced quite a bit of anger from people when I've tried to broach this subject. I decided that this community would likely be made up of people who would be open to this kind of feedback - I'm grateful to find that's so. Thanks for your sensitivity and willingness to consider this perspective.
Inspired by your courage to be vulnerable, thank you Damon, Laura, and Karen for leaning in and modeling grace.
Something so powerful within us evolves when we are heard, listen with others, and engage in solutions. So grateful to continue learning from our members, thank you.