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Does anyone know of a way to receive email notifications for just those events occurring in certain geographic regions and also internet-based calendar events, rather than all of them?  I can't travel far on a routine basis, and my email is filling up with events I'd love to attend, but can't due to the distance.  I checked the calendar itself and don't see a way to sort by area - but I may have missed it.  Thank you!

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Thank you for your reply. So I'm guessing that process is pretty transparent - I mean finding groups in my area on the website - if it isn't, can you please give me a head start? Thanks again.

Liz Johnston, M.Ed, LPC
208-819-1914 phone

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Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 20:00:32 -0700

Hi, Liz: Go to and click on All Groups. See if there's one close to you!

I'll ask the support folks who run our platform if we can have an alert just for webinar events. That's a great idea.

In the meantime, I suggest stop getting alerts for all calendar events, and making a note to yourself to check the calendar every couple weeks, and choosing to receive alerts from the ones that you want to be reminded of.

Cheers, Jane

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