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Dear ACEs Connection People,

I am a little perplexed, in late February I put up a post and had nearly 40 "views".

 I am not sure how a view is a connection which I propose is the function of this valuable site.

Language is very important to me and whether you are, like me, a survivor or a trained professional, please practice what ACEs is all about, not simply "view" but connect.

Today I placed a request for drawings of butterflies and got "views" instead, if you are really concerned about child abuse "connect".


Christopher Hardwick

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Hi, Christopher: I think your project sounds wonderful. But, like many people, I get sweaty palms just thinking about drawing anything, much less showing it to anyone. I know that sounds funny to an artist, but that's the way it is, and no amount of cajoling would change it. That's probably why you're getting "views" and few "connects".

As probably most people on this network, I am very concerned about child abuse, and my way of working to prevent it is creating this network and through my writing. I think each of us has different skills to bring to this effort. Unfortunately, drawing is not one of mine!

I suggest contacting some of the other artists (there are a fewâ€Ķnot enough, yet)  in the network for drawings (let me know if you need me to point them out to you), or perhaps reaching out to an elementary school in your community. Kids haven't yet had the brakes put on their artistic endeavors!

Cheers, Jane   

Hi Jane,

Thanks for your terrific response, it was much appreciared.

I was probably a little indefinite in what I was asking.

It is not necessarily the work of an artist that I am after, more of a doodle or a quick response sketch.

The point that I was after was for ACEs Connection people who had trauma in the childhood to do the equivalent of a child's sketch with a couple of words to describe their experience,

The reasom I consdered ACEs Connection the place to go was it involved adults who were questioning their lives.

Any way, I have put it out there and will see what transpires.



Hi Christopher-

I too get perplexed by social media and the connections they are supposed to bring about...I know this is likely too little too late, but just now saw your post. This ACE connection site is SO dense, and I am really interested in so much of it, but not enough time to be indulge in the whole thing.

so, on the subject of butterfly drawings, I downloaded some images to use with kids in therapy for treatment goal analogy-  caterpillar to cocoon to that anywhere near your request?

just trying to "connect" :)

Wendy Stokesbary, LMHC

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