We are working on producing a documentary on the negative effects of spanking and what we are learning from the neurosciences on brain development that makes it clear, we should never spank a child. We want to start a meaningful dialogue about the common cultural practice of spanking.
There is a strong case to show the corporal punishment is a precursor to most physical child abuse (65 - 85% of all physical abuse cases begin with attempts to use CP). We also know that physical abuse is a highly clustered ACE indicator.
A colleague of mine, Asadah Kirkland, who was teaching a group of parents about non-violent discipline said, "Child abuse. That's easy. Everyone is against it. I want to talk about the root of child abuse, spanking. Now that is much harder, because so many of us are NOT against it." Check out a short clip where she talks about spanking: http://stopspanking.org/interviews/
The interesting thing about addressing spanking is, it takes the issue out of the "troubled home" and shows how a societal value system supports hitting children. Society, in essence, colludes with these troubled, stressed out parents who "cross that fine line."
Our website is: http://www.facebook.com/protectchildrenfromviolence
Our Facebook page is: http://StopSpanking.org