Wanted to weigh in on Tapping. My husband, Brad Yates, taps for a living and has over 650 free videos online at www.tapwithbrad.com. He also has a children's book called, "The Wizard's Wish" that has been translated into over 20 languages. It is available as a book or ebook. Great for kids. I use this technique with students and staff as a school psychologist. Great results. There is a lot of great information on Brad's website, but also there is a lot of great info at http://www.tappingsolutionfoundation.org including video about how tapping has been used in Rwanda and Newtown, Conn.
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I know Brad and his work and am proud to be his colleague. EFT, or Tapping, as it's commonly referred to, is simply the easiest, fastest, gentlest way I've ever learned to assist people in the release of ACE, troubling thought, memories, even pains and painful conditions. Thanks for posting this, Christy. I'd be happy to join Brad to do a joint-webinar for anyone here on the ACEs blog that's interested, so we could tell them more about how to use it in the successful treatment of and relief from ACEs.
I have also used EFT as an empowering strategy for elementary school students as way to manage stress and intruding traumatic memories. I feel so strongly about it that I also created a book for children and adolescents: http://christyanana.com/
And it's a good one! I heartily encourage, support and affirm Christy Anana's use of these wonderful tools for our children and our schools, not to mention the teachers that need it, too! Brava, Christy.