Hi there! I was wondering if anyone can provide insight as to where there might be funding for counties, states or other educational institutions to begin trauma-informed practices? I would love to know how to fund a trainer, a speaker or an agency to help our county develop trauma-informed schools. It is desperately needed. Thank you for your guidance!
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I thought the recent Philadelphia trauma-informed Funding guide, recently posted here on ACEsConnection, and reposted on two trauma-informed Linked-In groups, might serve as a guide for folks, such as yourself, Chelsea Robinson. I hope you'll try the "search function" here, as I can't immediately recall where on ACEsConnection.com that I found it. If you don't find it, leave me a reply, and I'll see if I can locate it for you.
Here is a link to the post from Phiadelphia:
And if you are successful at getting funding, please share with the community! (as well as anyone that has been successful at obtaining funding - share what you can with us all!)
I would try any local or regional community foundations, particularly ones with a focus area of education and/or health. You could search the Foundation Center or GuideStar if you're unsure what's available. GuideStar is actually a great little tool because you can look at funders' 990 forms and see what projects they have funded in a given year. I also know that many of the school districts where I am located have some kind of educational foundation associated with them that grants funding for projects benefiting district students and residents. Perhaps your school districts do too. Also check things like CDC, state public health or education departments, things like that. Hope this helps!
Another thought, in regard specifically to bringing in trainers or speakers. You may try - if you have them - your local domestic violence shelter, rape crisis center, or other victim advocacy organization. Oftentimes these agencies are already utilizing a trauma-informed model and may be of some help in that regard. I actually work for a DV agency and we provide trauma-related trainings to our local service providers, schools, community members, etc. And in Pennsylvania, all DV and rape crisis services must be provided at no cost, including community education. I don't know where you are located, but that may hold true for your location as well.
Good question -- and there are a number of good ideas above! I do a good deal of training for educational and social service providers in the area of secondary trauma and staff resilience using my documentary film, Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain. (see trailer at www.caregiversfilm.com and outline of workshop). Many educational and social service programs have designated "training budgets" and a precedent for contracting with trainers. Good luck in your exploration, beginning with your local administrators (in school or social service systems) who are mandated to provide training. I can also be contacted at viccompher@comcast.net or 267-266-0842 if you want to discuss further.