Hi. I received my 501c3 fiscal sponsorship in December, and have been/am applying for any grant I can find, as well as applying/looking for non-grant resources (e.g. pro-bono, non-profit resources, collaborative partnerships, so on). My program provides trainings, train-the-trainers, learning collaboratives, consultation, develops materials, and so on - the focus being education, equipping, and networking. While currently what is available is for cross-systems professionals and community members - and resources are needed to continue to develop and disseminate those; a goal is having adaptations for ages and functionalities; and all versions also available in different languages. So if anyone knows of any resource I can apply for I would appreciate it - and that includes being able to pay young adults with lived experience to co-create the youth/young adult adaptation; an illustrator for the children's books and workbooks; language adaptations. Thanks and take care, Gwen
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