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One of the communities in the Southeast needs a PowerPoint ACEs 101-type presentation for Spanish speaking audiences. If anyone has an ACEs Science presentation in Spanish, please let me know?

This would be a terrific tool to have available. ACEs Connection would credit the creator, and would love to make the presentation available in our Resources community! 


Carey Sipp

SE Regional Community Facilitator

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Greetings Carey,

Community Resilience Initiative out of Walla Walla, WA has translated our full beginning course to Spanish and the majority of the educational products on our website are in Spanish.  We typically don’t release our entire PowerPoint unless individuals have gone through our Training for Trainers course.  However, we could pull together a condensed set of slides that only address the ACE information.   The Spanish deck of cards and accompanying handbook is also a good resource. 

Let me know if you think it would be helpful to condense our Course 1 slides.  I would be happy to do that, if you think it would scratch where it itches.


Thank you Rick and Robin! 

I will forward your presentation, Robin, to our community manager in Wautauga County, NC. 

And Rick, when your resource becomes available, please email it to me at and I will forward it, and make sure it is posted in the Resources Center. 

I love how our community steps up to support each other!

Thank you again.


Last edited by Carey Sipp

Hi Mary!

I appreciate your spirit of generosity and am thankful you are an ACE Interface Master Trainer!

The ACE Interface, LLC, PowerPoint slides are not for distribution to people who have not gone through our comprehensive two-day Master Training with Dr. Anda (designer and co-principal investigator of the ACE Study), Laura Porter and often myself or are a designated Presenter.  To find out more about the Master Trainer product I invite you to visit our website at:

ACE Interface continues to invest in the research, development and testing of products such as the set of Spanish N.E.A.R. (neuroscience, epigenetics, the ACE Study, resilience) slides referred to.  For this product, we contracted with a person who has specific skills and knowledge (both cultural and medical) to review and translate the slides into Spanish and then we had the slides back-translated to verify accuracy.  The slides are delivered by ACE Interface Master Trainers and Presenters in a trauma-informed (including framing, sequencing, culturally sensitive, etc.) manner that has been tested and adapted over time across multiple Spanish speaking audiences.

I appreciate the opportunity to respond as I’m sure additional ACE Interface Master Trainers and Presenters will benefit as well.

Carey, if you would like to specify where in the Southeast the inquiry originated from and who the point person is, I would be happy to connect them to a Master Trainer if there is one in the area.  We do have well over 1000 Master Trainers throughout the United States who provide our presentations without charge.




Thanks for this, I am a Master Trainer from the first cohort in Michigan, I
have done close to 200 public presentations in the last 2 and a half years.

My post was to direct the person asking to the office in Lansing since I
have trained 3 Spanish speaking presenters as Community Champions.

Feliz navidad!


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