Hi everyone on ACEs. I wanted to share what I learned about advertising the ACE study. Well first, we got the idea when Dr. Felitti was here in February. He suggested that we post the questions in the local newspaper. After talking to members of our Child Abuse and Neglect Team (I am the VP) and thinking about it, it seemed that there might be a better way... The local advertiser..... most small towns have one.....
We have one and they toss those papers at my door step every Sunday, for free. So, I inquired, "How many homes do you reach?" I was shocked by the answer --- 25,000 homes. Our population of Alpena county is around 30,000. There are more than one person to a household, usually. But also important, who doesn't purchase the newspaper anymore? I don't and several folks on the CAN team told me that they didn't either... So what better way to get the word out... especially to those with fewer resources, in a local advertiser thrown at your doorstep? So here it is. I wrote something up, made a Facebook page (for our community group) and we will see how many responses we get. If only 10 percent, look at the advertiser and read the article... that will spread the word about the ACE study to 2500 homes in a several county area in Northeast Upper Michigan. What do you think? Do you have any ideas on how to spread the word even more widely? I am always willing to listen and wanting to learn. |