I believe we need to develop a grass roots community group around ACE awareness and Resiliency in Central Pennsylvania. We need to get the word out and encourage and support awareness of ACEs and Resiliency Building.
I recently spent a few months in Maine, working as a primary care provider. They have the Maine (Maine Resiliency Building Network, maineaces.org) and they are doing good work! I believe Sue Andrews-Mackey, up there, stepped in a while back and they are making definite, but slow progress. In Central PA, I think Paper Tigers started to raise awareness, at least incrementally.
I am NOT speaking for any of you, but I need to step up as an early adopter and do my best to get this epidemic identified and start to be part of the solution--in Central Pennsylvania. I am inviting you to join me. I have a small group of teachers, social workers and others who have expressed interest and invite those of you who are compelled to share this responsibility to join me. I truly don't have any idea how we will do it, but we will do it! This is an epidemic that we have to address.