Does anyone have examples of health care / k-12 collaborative models around ACEs screening and resiliency interventions.
I am working with a school district at the beginning of implementing Trauma Sensitive School practices. Our district is currently connected with mental health providers but looking to see what beneficial collaboration models might exist with primary care physicians.
Thank You!
Oregon is doing some of this with their Coordinated Care Model/Health Transformation and partnerships with School Districts. Care Oregon recently provided a grant to begin a Trauma Informed Schools Collaborative for 5 school districts in Columbia County, Oregon and 5 school districts in Clatsop County, Oregon. This work is modeled on an earlier effort within 7 Oregon School Districts (report attached here).
Oregon's Coordinated Care Model created 16 regional Coordinated Care Organizations and provides a global budget to meet the needs of all Medicaid members in Oregon. Each CCO is regionally/locally governed. I would say that all CCOs are working with community partners to address ACEs in some way.
Let me know if I can provide more information.
Joell Archibald, Innovator Agent, Oregon Health Authority