I have reached out to the US Department of Ed for current statistics on homeless and unaccompanied youth for the US, not only California. As soon as I get this information I will post. The school site that I am housed at-is the #1 school for homeless youth in Sacramento County. Last year we served 3583 students. And..I am certain we are not capturing all of these students. The numbers are growing immensely. I have been in public education for 30 years, doing McKinney Vento services since 2002. In 2002, SJUSD had 300 homeless and unaccompanied students. I continue to search for ways to be certain that we can identify, enroll and support all of these youth with their educational needs, by removing all barriers they face.
AB 1806 is a California program that is providing a reduction in credits for homeless youth. I have attached a link about that service.