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I am leading a group of local educators and youth development specialists who are interested in training teenagers in the NEAR sciences (neuroscience, epigenetics, ACEs, & resiliency). We are hoping to eventually create a curriculum that teen leaders could present to their peers in a peer-to-peer model. Do you know of anyone doing this work?

Are there others doing presentations/trainings on ACEs with teen audiences? If so, how have you adapted the curriculum to be developmentally appropriate for teenagers? Did you involve teenagers in the development of the curriculum/materials?

We are also looking for a researcher who is interested in this work and/or other community efforts to address ACEs.

Thank you for your support and any assistance you can provide with these requests. 



Last edited by Jane Stevens
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Marsha and I have been working with Teri Barila, for the last few years, in the developmental evaluation of efforts to increase resilience among youth.  We have learned what worked at Lincoln High (the subject of the Paper Tigers documentary, including peer to  peer supports), and what trauma informed practices (also teen to teen skill training) are occurring at Jubilee, a residential school close to Walla Walla.  I would start by chatting with Teri.

Hi Kody,
Please know our Youth Voice (City Heights in San Diego) leaders have co-created the attached co-presentation, Connecting ACEs and Trauma Informed Strategies to Prevention, which Tatiana Sanchez (age 17) and I co-presented in Sacramento at the CA Dept. of Public Health's "Mobilizing Communities for Healthy Relationships Convening on June 28, 2016. 

Please let me know if that presentation doesn't open correctly and I'll email you directly at your office.

Here's a link to another opportunity which our Youth Voice leaders presented at San Diego State University with seniors in a psychology class.

Please know I've developed youth-led, adult supported curriculum for children and youth, ages 8 to 24, with a school-based to community based prevention model based upon ACEs, trauma-informed, resilience building.

Should I be able to support further, please know I'm honored to do so.

In gratitude,
Dana Brown


Hi, Kody:

Check out this article -- A student developed an ACEs curriculum that she and other students use for training adults and teens, it looks like.

Also, you can contact Megan Murphy from the Southern Kenai Peninsula ACEs Connection group. Teens in an after-school program developed a curriculum for middle and high school students in Homer, AK.

Students from Leadership High School in SF worked with the Center for Youth Wellness on an ACEs research project to identify ACEs in addition to those in the original CDC-Kaiser Permanente Study that were affecting their community.     

I hope this helps!

Whoa, thank you to everyone for the fabulous resources and connections. I am super excited to share all of this with our team here in Kitsap County WA. I love the process of adaptive leadership and co-learning. Thank you to ACEs Connection for providing a platform for us to all connect and for everyone's generosity!

Keep up the great work.



I do programs for teens using expressive/therapeutic writing to help them find and express their true identity. Having a strong identity can help teens to resist peer pressure, develop resilience and become goal oriented.

Proposal for...
Young Writers Workshops/Seminarsâ€Ļ

Writing Is Powerâ€Ļ

My presentation is designed to stimulate the minds of young people and teach them how to express themselves through writing as well as how to create believable characters. I will do this by sharing poetry as well as fictional stories that I have written along with the works of some of my favorite authors.

Introduction of my theme
I will explain how the right and left side of the brain differ and how they can use creative writing to know themselves, find themselves and express themselves.
 I will discuss how expressive writing has power and can help them to change the UNchangeable, move the Unmovable and cure the Uncurable.  

Introduction of myself
I will share my true life experiences about how reading books and stories helped me to know and hold onto my true self.
I will explain how expressive writing helped me and how it can help them to hold onto and to know their true selves as well as how to hold onto their own identity.

Taping into the Unconscious Mind
I will walk them through my rough beginnings as a creative writer by reading thought-provoking poetry and autobiographical pieces of my written works in progress.
I will use mind mapping and writing prompts to stimulate the mind and class discussions to encourage students to express themselves.
 I will show how writing autobiographical fiction can allow them freedom to use their imaginations for self-expression and to tap into the unconscious mind.  

(Questions and answers from the audience will be interspersed throughout)


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Poetry for Personal power has youth talk about overcoming adversity. So they are the hero not the victim. 

Make a MedStartr account and put a like /follow on our campaign. Better yet, sign your business up to partner with us.

Poetry for Personal Power would love your donations, too, but if all you have is time, give us a nice shout out to help us advance! All donations are tax deductible, all comments and shares are welcome.

The Goldie Hawn Foudation has a wonderful program called Mind Up that is very close to, if not precisely what you seek: - FYI: they've been around a long time and are updating their website. Listened to YouTube clip showing elementary and middle schoolers explain that an out of control fellow classmate must be acting out because of some recent or past trauma having overstimulated their amygdala so everyone should give him/her some space and find out WHY they are upset is mind-blowing! Just hearing a 2cnd grader use the word "amygdala" is amazing! Please keep me informed, we are in Broward county FL, home of the MSD shooting & Emma Gonzalez & Michael Hogg. Kids rock! Onward!

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