Bernalillo County is hosting their first annual Mental Health Conference - there will be a section on ACE's and we need speakers.
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Iâm interested in learning more about speaking opportunities surrounding ACEs and chronic trauma.
I am interested in presenting at your conference- please Contact me by email: and I can share my qualifications
Good Morning!
I travel the country speaking, teaching and training workshops on Adverse Childhood Experiences and would consider it a privilege and honor to be considered to speak at your conference. I would also welcome someone from your group to appear on my LIVE Radio Program, "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" to talk about your Breaking Barriers conference.
If you are interested and would like to continue the conversation, please contact me at
Thanks so much!
Dr. Gregory Williams
Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital
Houston, Texas
I would be interested in possibly presenting at your conference. I have a presentation called "A Girl Named Sue" that I do from the point of view of a survivor with a high ACE score and how that doesn't have to doom a child. You can read my profile on this website.
I would be very interested in speaking at your conference! Please contact me directly at (248) 370-4191. Thank you!
I would also be interested in presenting. Let me know how and to whom please. I am a listed speaker on the ACEs speaker bureau.
Thank you.
I'd be happy to present at your Breaking Barriers Conference. I run a unique Teen Leadership Development program focused on addressing ACEs in at-risk teens and we're having incredible results. You can see what we do @ and reach me here: Thank you.
please send me more information. my website is
Hello. If you are interested in a Northern perspective, I present in many indigenous communities about the affects of trauma and ACE's research. I live in Prince George, BC, Canada. Be an amazing opportunity to build connections across the border. My business is Two Rivers Intercultural Trauma Awareness, TRITA Training and Consulting. My website is u see construction but you can find me on Facebook.
Hi Stephanie,
I'd love to learn more about presenting about ACEs and the mothership-RESILENCE at your conference. I have a YouTube Channel and I just started a series about ACEs and Resilience. Please check it out, share if you like it! You can email me at if I seem like a match for your conference.
Kristin Beasley, PhD
Dr. B-Leave A Lifeprint, Inc.
I would be thrilled to speak. I have been on a parent panel for Bridging to Resilience and Moving the needle several times. I have held several breakout sessions at the conferences. My last one was about Sharing your story. I am a divorced mother of 2 teenagers. My Ace Score is 6 and thiers is 8. I'd love to contribute!
Hi - I'll toss my hat in the ring as well - I would like to talk about the role of grief and ACES and how the Grief Recovery Method can be used as an easily accessible, community based, evidence-based approach to dealing with ACES and how our counterpart program Helping Children with Loss can be used to help parents and other adults who care for/about children/youth deal with the loss/grief they experience. Trauma is what happens via those ACES - grief is what's left afterwards... our programs address the unresolved grief and provide tools and skills that can be used for a lifetime to build and enhance resilience. My email is I can also send you a link to a talk I gave at an international conference in 2016 if you're interested. thanks for asking...
Lois Hall
HI Stephanie -- Congratulations on making this Breaking Barriers conference happen! I would be honored and excited to support you in making it the best possible. I love speaking on the connections between ACEs and mental health and on the possibilities for post trauma growth offered by a holistic healing process that connects body, brain, mind and spirit. I also am a NAMI advocate and speaker. My own story informs my presentations and my interest in the fabulous science that is now available to help us understand what is going on in our minds and bodies. Please feel free to email me at Bonnie Armstrong
I am interested in speaking at your conference.
Youth ALIVE!'s START (Screening & Tool for Awareness & Relief of Trauma) has been shared at other ACE venues and may be of interest to you. It is a tool we developed with a group of young men recovering from their own gunshot wounds, to help identify otherwise neglected symptoms of trauma and to offer a bit of relief to the sufferer. If you are interested in this as a possible topic feel free to contact me at
I would be interested in speaking at this conference. Is there a speaker application?
Thank you,
You seem to have garnered a lot of interest. Will you have an application process? Would be interested in learning more. I do training as well particularly focused on schools.
I am also interested in providing information about real world experiences, success and failures in implementing a systematic change initiative promoting trauma informed practices. I have many years experience as a consultant for the CLEAR program, an NCTSN affiliate and SAMSHA grant recipient
please contact
Iâm a forever teacher, former school administrator & a mother who lives the roller coaster of sexual abuse with my family. I present nationally on trauma & more importantly what we can do to be proactive in helping kids & their teachers find peace & success. Iâd love to present. I am the research. Check out my website at
Thank you,
I would be honored to present at your Mental Health Conference. The ACEs training offered can be customized to meet your audience needs in identifying underlying mental health issues, addressing unexpected loss and death, as well as presenting from a Christian perspective.
The mission of Legacy Behavioral Health Training Center (LBHTC) is to reduce and prevent childhood and family trauma, by educating communities regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). We seek to improve the mental health status of individuals, especially people of African Descent by supporting faith base institutions, social service agencies, military and the educational communities to increase healthy interaction and eliminate mental health disparities.
I can see why I donât think it is ethical to be a doctor anymore. At times I wonder if maybe Iâm a little crazy or dramatic, no... all the signs are there. One thing is said or implied but something else is done and itâs never whatâs best for those with the least power or say.
So many people trying to heal from what never should have been broken in the first place. People put in cages for money. There are people who know how to create a peaceful and non-violent society but there is no benefit in that. I guess it is what it is.
I suggest taking a look at ACEs Connection's Speaker and Trainers Bureau. In the top toolbar, you can navigate to the map and search by sector/subsector. Hope this helps!
I would be interested in doing a workshop - I recently published a book "Women Who Were Sexually Abused as Children: Mothering, Resilience, and Protecting the Next Generation" - I would discuss ACEs as it impacts this population (21 million mothers in the US) and their struggles but more importantly I would explore the factors that contribute to their resilience - Below is the link to the book on Amazon including testimonials from Stephen Porges and Christine Courtois
I look forward to hearing from you
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