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Hi all,

We have the opportunity to present to a funder our community-wide strategic plan for building resilience. We'd like to build their confidence that resilience can be built and ACEs can be reduced/offset. To do so, I'd love to share results from other efforts... community based or organization based.

Please message me if you are willing to share! Thanks a ton in advance.

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Jane Stevens posted:

Hi, Katie: For organizations in different sectors, scroll to the bottom of ACEs Science 101 for articles:

For articles about communities, go to the MARC web site's section on shared learnings for Anndee Hochman's wonderful articles about the MARC communities.

And if you need any info about organizing your initiative or what it does on a day-to-day basis, check out Growing Resilient Communities 2.0.

Jane - thank you so much. I was able to glean outcomes data for everything I need except, and very importantly, health outcomes. Any chance you can save me some time by pointing me to a community or organization that has seen measurable health outcomes or decreases in healthcare costs as a result of resilience building efforts?

Katie McClure,

     The [trauma-informed] Community Building guide I noted above, and the 1997 HUD directive, may be exemplified in the PE/ACE program [including resilience building of children] of the Troy (N.Y.) Housing Authority. Heather Larkin [whose now married name I don't immediately recall], was working on [trauma-informed] matters at SUNY-Albany, just across the Hudson River from Troy...  Heather Larken may have been using an assortment of "Outcome Measures" which would certainly show your funder that Resilience can be built.....

     There may be some documentation in the Community Resilience Cookbook-which was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that might be relevant to avail your prospective funder.

Hi, Katie:
Please know I perused the exemplary DHHS report from Waucapa County, Wisconsin which Becky Haas shared. (thank you Becky) Stunning results since their inception of TIC in 2012! What an exceptional model for our nation to learn from. 

Realizing they moved 25% of their budget to prevention care initiatives in 2016 through their ACEs and TIC organizational culture change is tremendously exciting.


Images (1)
  • DHHS Waucapa County Wisconsin

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