We are looking to provide a community engaged research project based in Norway, Maine with examples of successful upstream ACE interventions and Resilience interventions. The community members have shared particular interest in interventions dealing with substance abuse, community wide initiatives, and restorative justice work.
Further details/context:
In terms of context, what we are putting together will be used to support a Boot Camp Translation Community Engaged Research process which is occurring in Norway, ME on the topic of ACEs. In case this is an unfamiliar process,
BCT is a method of partnering with community members/ co-investigators (in this case Maine Medical Center Research Institute is the research partner) to translate complex health information into actionable messaging to improve population health. It is a process which engages around 20 community members and takes roughly six months. The BCT will focus on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and will be composed of individuals with lived experience and/or expertise in their community.
We are looking to support this process with research informing the BCT process and future initiatives. We hope to provide examples of a variety of upstream ACE interventions and/or resilience building techniques/projects relevant to the BCT group. As folks learn about ACEs and resilience building, they are looking for next steps grounded in frameworks, policy and action on the community level. As the community members are representative of a wide swath of stakeholders (schools, small businesses, alternative medicine, non-profits, community organizations, students ect), we want to offer examples of resilience building / upstream ACE interventions that could be meaningful across multiple sectors and stakeholders. By offering the engaged community partners a variety of approaches to upstream ACE prevention, as well as a loose analysis of impact vs. resource investment, the hope is to help the group to be more informed and activated in deciding what is the best approach for their initiative considering the resources and needs in Western Maine.