Rachel, Thank You so much for the link to "a validation study."- -the fact that it was done in Nigeria using responses from 253 prison inmates there, using both the World Health Organization ACE International Questionaire, and the Childhood Trauma Questionaire (CTQ)- ............. -noted in the article from Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 5, no. 11, 2015, ..............may be helpful to our ACEs Connection allies in Vermont working on their 2013 legislative house bill 762 which proposed requiring All Vermont Health Care providers to screen ALL patients, regardless of age, for ACEs, ......... as the last paragraph of the first page [numbered page 18 of the journal], and the remainder of that paragraph on the following page, may address some concerns of the 'Vermont [ACEs] working group", and the Pediatrician/Legislator who sponsored the 2013 bill.
Perhaps the National Conference of State Legislatures might have a sense of which, if any, states may be trying to address similar concerns.