Good evening community members, I would like to share this article regard ‘alternative medicine’ from the website VeryWell about ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response). There was quantitive research performed and resulted in findings that this strategy can be beneficial to health. It’s a suggestion to consider adding this skill into your ‘wellness toolbox’ or coping skills.
A little tip to prevent misunderstanding: remind yourself that if you are recommending this skill or resource to someone else, to please take into consideration that: what works for me may not work for everyone else. Some individuals may be sensitive to visual information and/or visual stimulants, be courteous and ask.
There are other ways to use visualization or imagination for creative therapeutic experiences such as mood boards from recycled papers, magazines, prints, fabrics, music notes, postal cards, and etc..
If you don’t like physical clutter, try something such as Pinterest at to create an account is currently free. There is also an app version of Pinterest it’s similar to instagram but you can clip photos online and share content such as photographs, illustrations, and such as well as save photos, literature, quotes, from other users. There are also privacy features to hide boards from the public and such.