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I've been conversing with Dr. Warren Larkin of the UK about trauma informed practices I've been implementing in the U.S.  Do you know him?  He's doing ACEs work in the UK.  Among many kinds of training's I developed a trauma informed policing training that I use in the US.  I've trained departments of all sizes with it.  Here's a blog I wrote in 2019 about it.

At the time I was working in healthcare but now am training/coaching full time. You can learn more about my work at   


Becky Haas


Last edited by Becky Haas

Hi Rebecca,
Although it sounds like you are looking for something more organizational in nature, I want to let you know that Gina Essex in Michigan is working with police officers using NARM, a trauma-healing modality specific for Complex PTSD.  She is getting outstanding results working 1:1 with them. 

We are in the early stages of a research project where we will evaluate using NARM in both group and individual therapy to help police officers become more resilient and lower their stress level as it relates to both their work and their history. 

There are many NARM therapists in the UK.  I have heard great things in particular about Ralf Marzen.  Also, you can learn the fundamentals of the model in the NARM Online Basics Training.


@Becky Haas posted:


I've been conversing with Dr. Warren Larkin of the UK about trauma informed practices I've been implementing in the U.S.  Do you know him?  He's doing ACEs work in the UK.  Among many kinds of training's I developed a trauma informed policing training that I use in the US.  I've trained departments of all sizes with it.  Here's a blog I wrote in 2019 about it.

At the time I was working in healthcare but now am training/coaching full time. You can learn more about my work at   


Becky Haas


Hi Becky, 

Yes, I know Warren - the question posted here is actually related to a piece of work I'm doing for him! Many thanks for sharing your work, 

Best wishes


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